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Praise from…

  • Cue Cards for My Happier Mind allows readers to put many of their moods and feelings into a context that is not frightening, but directs them to a better understanding and provides them with ways to cope with life stresses – which have rarely been higher. Anh Oppenheimer has provided this tool which she does in a very readable, unthreatening manner, with enough substance, sass, and humor to keep the reader engaged. Her creative wit hewn by life struggles lends a realism and authenticity which connects with the reader. Cue Cards provides helpful pathways of understanding, self acceptance, and solutions. After 40 years of a very busy psychiatric practice, I wish that I had had these Cue Cards which I would gladly have recommended to many patients.
    — Dr. Douglas Anderson
  • We all exist on a mental health continuum. Over time we may move from thriving to struggling, or from crisis and back. Like a friend leading the way, My Happier Mind Cue Cards remind us that we are not alone and help us develop the healthy habits we all need to manage our mental health.
    — Anne Fischer, Executive Director, NAMI-SF (National Alliance on Mental Illness)
  • My Happier Mind Cue Cards are inspirational and a reminder that we can change our thoughts and feelings. I will share it with my family and clients.
    — Dr. Erik Peper, Holistic Health Studies, San Francisco University
  • These cards are so wonderful and from the heart! I really think they will truly help a lot of people.
    — Ashley Smith, LCSW, High School Mental Health Counselor
  • These cards are so special! Thank you for sharing your ups and downs… makes me feel human and connected and less alone.
    — R. Young, Middle School Counselor
  • I love the concept and the info you present on the cards. Lots of really good suggestions and thoughts and perspectives.
    — Anna Agell, LCSW
  • Cue Cards are so accessible well thought out and I would not hesitate to recommend it to lots of people I know. I love these cards.
    — Simone Baggetto, NAMI-SF
  • I’m so impressed with how you organized the cards by one’s emotional temperature.
    — Melene Smith, LCSW
  • They’re friggin fabulous…
    — Todd Uresse, Tenafly School District Chemical Awareness Program
  • They’re AWESOME!! So professional and succinct, funny, filled with love, hugs, and great advice.
    — Carrie
  • I saw your cards when I was recently visiting my sister. I loved them. I am sending a box to my partner’s son and going to get a box for myself. Thanks for doing all the hard work and sharing it with the rest of us!
    — Cheryl
  • Truly amazing!! And a tremendous gift to the world.
    — Page
  • These are awesome!!! Love love them. I’m getting them for everyone.
    — Christie
  • My Happier Mind Cue Cards have been such a useful and positive tool for our family!
    — Susan
  • I love that your experience and creative focus can directly support countless others. Well done.
    — Kari
  • This is awesome! Still flipping cards! Sent to my girls and now to girlfriends…
    — Linda
  • So amazing! I was just playing with them. I am going to get some for the kids and for two of my best friends.
    — Frances
  • This is so fabulous! You will be helping so many folks.
    — Katie
  • What a gift.
    — Pamela
  • Just got my Cue Cards and can’t wait to use them and share them. How brave and wonderful that you have brought mental wellness to more light and enabled so many to try to help themselves along the way!
    — Barbee
  • An incredible balance between the positive, light-hearted language and the seriousness and gravity of mental health. I totally think that My Happier Mind Cue Cards could be helpful for people my age.
    — Scarlett
  • These are so incredible.
    — Ellie
  • These cards are wonderful. They are great reminders of the little things one can do to help that also have big impacts.
    — Odin
  • My Happier Mind has helped me so much.
    — Shaamil
  • MHM is really so great and helped provide a fresh outlook on how to deal with all kinds of situations.
    — Sama
  • Cue Cards are so amazing and accessible. They were produced by a brilliant person who suffers from mental health issues (like so very many of us); and THAT is what makes them so great, joyful, special, and useful. For anyone suffering from minor depression or more serious mental health issues – they are invaluable and make you not feel so isolated and alone. Anh Oppenheimer’s “My Happier Mind Cue Cards ( are a must for ANYONE suffering from ANY kind of mental health issue.
    — Ben Bruton Publishing
  • The cards are beautiful! I too have contended with uncomfortablilites of the mind and uncertainties of the spirit for as long as I can remember. Thank you for this collection of insights and good words. It is my new go-to for getting myself back in alignment and back on the road to a better soul-friendly place.
    — RoseMary
  • The Cue Cards are wonderful on so many levels. I Love, love love the format, the look, the colors, the concept. Your writing is so unassuming and authentic. There’s so much goodness in that deck. This makes my heart so happy!
    — Dana
  • What you have put together is beautiful.
    — Peggy
  • Your cards are so lovely. I love how supportive and caring they are.
    — Maureen
  • I received my own deck of Cue Cards and I honestly love them! I keep them on my desk and give myself a card of the day. They have really helped me see day-to-day life in a brighter light!
    — Rosalie
  • I was feeling pretty blue today, had a fall-out with a friend and am worrying a bit about my surgery Tues (fusions of big and 2nd toe). I arrived to my chair this morning with tea in hand, and was greeted by your cue cards! I love them! (and I know you wrote them just form me!). Perked me right up! I allow myself just 1-2/day to be able to make their messages more impactful. Thank you,for helping me with this day.
    — Jan
  • I have been turning to your cards to help me find a tiny direction day by day. They are so charming and unassuming. A helping hand for distressing times.
    — Katharine
  • Congratulations on a beautifully rendered and powerful set of reminders and insights. I especially love the color coding aspect.
    — Caroline
  • Love Love Love your new venture
    — Laura
  • I bought some Cue Cards and will be providing my niece who teaches in a charter school in Chicago’s inner city – these could be very helpful for her and her kids (maybe their parents). They are simply brilliant.
    — Peggy
  • What a wonderful way to combine your creative skills into a program that can, and I think will, have beneficial contributions for many. The presentation appears friendly, supportive and intriguing. This could become a big deal!!
    — Jim
  • It is very timely as my sister is the perfect candidate…having suffered with this for years and is in a particularly bad state right now. How do I get the cards asap? It would save me countless hours to have a tool and I have almost hit my end of the string in ways to help her that the pros haven’t been able to do.
    — Barbee
  • Cards beautifully packaged, inspiring!
    — Fran
  • I honestly love them! I keep them on my desk and give myself a card of the day. They have really helped me see day-to-day life in a brighter light!
    — Rosalie
  • I’m GIFTING THEM left and right to adolescents, adults, family members, friends. And, I’m USING THEM throughout my day.
    — Susan
  • Have to tell you, I went through 10 of the blue cue cards today, I so needed them! You are a phenomenal writer! Their messages helped give me the desperate boost I needed.
    — Jan
  • I woke up last night around 2 am. Luckily, your box of cue cards was on my bed stand. I went through the whole box and upon finishing, I found myself peaceful enough to go back to sleep. I have been having some issues and several of the cards really hit home. Thank you for such a fabulous gift. I am going to order some more for some people who can really benefit from them.
    — Jean
  • Cue Cards are amazing!!! So user friendly, low-key…they feel like reassuring hugs, filled with love.
    — Alona

A whole lotta love on social:

“I just love these! They have really helped mein these crazy times!!”

“Keep them coming, we need them now more than ever! 😘😘”

“This is AWESOME Anh! Thank you!! I look forward to these posts! 💗”

“Post more! These are really helpful!”

“We all need this!”

“Oh man. I need to read this. Haven’t exercisedin two days and I’m eating like crapola. Tomorrow is a new day.”

“These cards are seeing me through many days.”

“These are so so great. I’ve always been so inspired by you. Your words changed things for me in my struggle to get out of my own way.”

“I second the love for them! SO thoughtful, kind, welcoming and needed!”

“Anh, these continue to be such great reminders. 😁”

“These are wonderful! Great design and inspiring message.”